A 5-day immersive experience for professional women ready to overcome self-sabotage, crystallize goals balance outer success and inner fulfillment

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A 5-day immersive experience for professional women ready to overcome self-sabotage, crystallize goals, balance outer success and inner fulfillment


FREE 5-Day Immersive Experience starting Jan 29, 2024 at 12pm EST daily

Are you feeling detached, disconnected and comfortably uncomfortable in your life... on the surface, you've "got it all", yet in your heart, you know there's more out there for you?

Here’s the problem. Times have changed, and every day, you're under pressure to conform to an AI-driven lifestyle....

...and it's pushing you away from your dreams, overwhelming you with information, leaving you in chaos, and feeling lost in this "instant" world.

These lies, now true to us, wound us at our deepest core level, destroying the life we’re meant to live.


In The ELEVATE Experience, I’ll show you my proven, step-by-step process to move away from detached living and "quick-fix" transactional solutions that leave you feeling exhausted and depleted at the end of every day. You'll learn and apply timeless principles based on universal law and take a personalized path where you will be understood, celebrated and encouraged to play bigger.

This is not a generic event; it's a transformative journey curated specifically for women like you.

A whole new future with a clean slate lies before you.

It’s time for you to step into the peace, freedom, happiness and self-fulfillment you deserve.

Join Larisa Makuch for the 5-day ELEVATE Experience starting 12pm EST Monday, January 29th

Join me for the 5-day ELEVATE Experience at 12pm EST Daily Starting January 29, 2024

Here is What You'll Cover in This Life-Changing Experience

Day 1

Dare to Dream

Mon, Jan 29

✓ ​The three mindset ‘shifts’ the most successful and aligned people in the world make...and what you’ll need to do to make them too.

✓ ​How to reveal your best self by leveraging a psychological strategy so powerful you’ll begin to see results before the week is done.

✓ The one simple (yet critical) system that completely changed my life - and will change yours too if you let it (hint: this is the foundation of the entire workshop...if you get this wrong none of the other sessions will work for you - it’s that important).

Day 2

Align Your Truths

Tue, Jan 30

✓ How anyone can 24x their hidden potential

by harnessing one simple unconscious “hack” that almost no one knows about. On day 2 I’ll show you how.

✓ One of the most important ‘Universal Laws’ that keeps people ‘stuck’ in their lives (Hint: this is NOT the Law of Attraction). I’ll teach you how to leverage this law to start working for you instead of against you.

✓ How to “calm down to speed up”... this often misunderstood practice has a big impact not only on your own life, but also on the way you interact with those around you - but only when you apply it correctly.

Day 3

Claim Your Abundance

Wed, Jan 31

✓ The critical path to prosperity, tapping into your infinite potential and feeling ‘congruent’ that most people never even consider, much less apply.

✓ ​A 4-step formula that swings the door of success wide open for you… (be warned though if these steps aren’t used together, they’ll fail entirely.)

✓ The most practical way to transform your dreams into reality, your goals into achievements and your thinking into results.

Day 4

S.O.A.R. to New Heights

Thu, Feb 1

✓ The most powerful “amplifier” to success that exists... this will dramatically enhance the attainment of your goals (again this must be used with caution or it can sabotage your efforts and actually work against you).

✓ The most effective collection of techniques I've ever seen that positions you for quantum leap results...if you follow them you’ll never have to worry about consistently hitting and exceeding your goals again.

✓ How to get off the “hamster wheel” in your life and make the forward movement you need to succeed in every area...whether it’s making more money, having better relationships, or improving your health.

Day 5

Bend Time

Fri, Feb 2

✓ The surefire way to effectively cut procrastination off at the pass when you’re faced with a fork in the road and don’t know which direction to take.

✓ How to literally turn the dreams inside of you into reality by leveraging something we unknowingly used as children but so often lose as adults. This practice drastically cuts the time to achieving your goals as time is irrelevant to the unconscious mind.

✓ The secret recipe to master your relationship with time. Follow it to a T and never feel off track or overwhelmed ever again (you’ll be shocked how simple this is).


What you'll learn in this intensive can help you achieve massive success , and it's not for everyone. It's for people ready and serious about change.

Your results will depend on many factors...including your willingness to change, put in the work and take consistent action.

You are expected to show up on time, on camera and play full out the entire time.

If you're not willing to do that, then DO NOT ATTEND THIS INTENSIVE.

If you are willing to, click the button below to get started!

About Larisa Makuch

Larisa Makuch is Canada's leading Abundance Mentor who helps professional women trade their stress and overwhelm for a rich and fulfilling life where they're living on purpose and really going after their dreams.

Prior to becoming an Abundance Mentor, Larisa spent more than two decades in the world of mind-body movement. She discovered that the client's belief system was the greatest factor in determining the speed and trajectory of their confidence and results.

As the author of the upcoming Stop Procrastinating Your Life Away: Discover the Secrets to More Time, Money and Freedom and CEO of Abundance Academy, it’s her mission to create a ripple effect and positively impact more than 1-Billion people across the globe so the world a better place for all.

Larisa Makuch

Larisa Makuch is Canada's leading Abundance Mentor who helps professional women trade their stress and overwhelm for a rich and fulfilling life where they're living on purpose and really going after their dreams.

Prior to becoming an Abundance Mentor, Larisa spent more than two decades in the world of mind-body movement. She discovered that the client's belief system was the greatest factor in determining the speed and trajectory of their confidence and results.

As the author of the upcoming Stop Procrastinating Your Life Away: Discover the Secrets to More Time, Money and Freedom and CEO of Abundance Academy, it’s her mission to create a ripple effect and positively impact more than 1-Billion people across the globe so the world a better place for all.