A 2.5 Day Intensive For Professional Women READY For Their Next Level of Success

Learn the 9 Steps You Must Follow To Stop Procrastinating Your Life Away

Join the next Intensive happening
Monday June 17 - June 19


For Professional Women Who Are READY For Their Next Level Of Success

Learn the 9 Steps You Must Follow To Stop Procrastinating Your Life Away

Join Us For The Next Intensive happening
Monday, June 17 - Wednesday, June 19

(or check out our additional dates at the Register Now button below)

Seats are Limited, so get registered now!

Abundance Accelerator


2-day workshop for conscious entrepreneurs ready to double their impact and income in 6 months or less.

Workshop is July 23 & 24.

Pre-events are happening now!

Hello, beautiful! I'm so glad you're here.

You probably already know you’re a brilliant woman that has had a great life. People look up to, respect and admire you and deep down, you know you’re holding back... but you know you're capable of so much more.

You’ve been so busy taking care of everyone else, doing things for others that your own dreams and desires have been put on-hold… you’re not even sure you know what they really are anymore… and you’re not getting any younger.

It's said that procrastination is suicide of your dreams. 

If that’s not the wake-up call you needed, I don’t know what is.  

Here’s your chance to STOP procrastinating your life away, double your income and live your life your way.

Hello, beautiful! I'm so glad you're here.

You probably already know that you’re a brilliant woman who's has had a great life. People look up to, respect and admire you.... but deep down, you know you’re holding back and capable of so much more.

You’ve been so busy taking care of everyone else, doing things for others that your own dreams and desires have been put on-hold… you’re not even sure you know what they really are anymore… and you’re not getting any younger.

It's said that procrastination is suicide of your dreams. 

If that’s not the wake-up call you needed, I don’t know what is.  

Here’s your chance to STOP procrastinating your life away, double your income and live your life your way.

"Larisa's work is truly transformational.

She and I held a 15 minute call after the first workshop I attended and that afternoon I went out and made 6 sales. This is NOT typical in my industry.... something special had happened.

So glad I stayed plugged in and keep noticing that what Larisa teaches, works!"

Joanna Clarke

In This

Abundance Activation Intensive

Here's a Sneak Peek at What's On the Agenda!

Day 1: Create Outstanding Clarity

  • Examine and obliterate false truths that have been holding you back and keeping you in scarcity mode

  • Design your ideal life that lights you up like a Christmas tree

  • Create a personalized abundance-filled roadmap to get you from where you are to where you want to be

A simple and powerful foundational way to invite abundance in your life and business. You’ll learn how to leverage a key ‘Universal Law’ that people overlook (in case you’re wondering, this is NOT the Law of Attraction) and get it working for you instead of against you. This will dramatically change your life if you let it.

Day 2: Gain Ultimate Confidence

  • Get you success habits working for you instead of against you

  • Dissolve limiting beliefs so you never feel like an imposter, perfectionist or procrastinator ever again.

  • Work with your feminine energy and step into your unstoppable best self

These tools will help you get off the “hamster wheel” and start making the forward movement you need to succeed in your life and business. By leveraging these powerful psychological strategies, you'll begin to see results before the intensive is done.

Day 3: Connect to Your Conviction

  • Elevate your personal standards

  • Reconnect to your life's purpose and use it as fuel so you never have trouble getting out of bed again

  • Commit to quantum leap yourself to success

The most practical way to transform your dreams into reality, your goals into achievements and your thinking into results. As you hook into your convictions, you'll swing the door of success and abundance wide open for you.

Here's What You Get With the Abundance Activation Intensive

  • A personal breakthrough experience

  • 19-hours of in-class training

  • On-the-spot action and implementation

  • 52-Page Workbook

  • Professional, world class instruction by board designated trainer

  • Simple, easy-to-implement, no-fluff tools, strategies and resources that actually work

  • Community of like-minded people

  • And so much more!


$2,495 USD

Plus You Get These 5 Amazing VIP Bonuses!!!

Bonus 1: Vision Expansion Workshop

Walk through a step-by-step process to create a clear and vivid picture of your dream life and get yourself ready to live it now. This is your chance to turn someday into today!

VALUE: $797

Bonus 2: Morning Call Access Pass

Get a sneak peek into the magic created in the Abundance Accelerator Program with 5-days access to our morning success calls. You'll see your days get better and fresh opportunities come to you like never before.

VALUE: $297

BONUS 3: Pinpoint Your Roadblocks Assessment

A Stanford University researched, science-based assessment tool to help you pinpoint the greatest roadblocks holding you back. This can help you get aligned and on your way to your abundant life faster than ever before.

VALUE: $197

BONUS 4: Personalized Coaching Call

A personalized, 30-minute coaching call to discuss your personalized path to abundance. In this this session, you'll reevaluate where you are, where you want to go and the best way to get there.

VALUE: $197

BONUS 5: Re-Attend the Abundance Activation Intensive

Repetition is the mother of skill. While you'll get a breakthrough the first time, when you come back, you'll learn deeper and begin to elevate your abundance to new heights. Plus, you'll see just how far you've come.

VALUE: $2,495

Total VIP Bonus Value: $6,748!!!

You get all 5 Bonuses FREE with the purchase of a VIP Abundance Activation Ticket for only $2,495!

You get all 5 Bonuses FREE with the purchase of a VIP Abundance Activation Ticket for only $2,495!

"This wasn't just another workshop where I listened. We actually took action right there!"

Angela DiPaola, Author & Mental Health Therapist

"I found clarity while thriving in my personal life. I highly recommend this intensive!"

Rosalie Salamone, Recruiter

"You may be surprised. You will probably have breakthroughs you weren't expecting to have.

Jessica Barrera, Community Manager


What you'll learn in this intensive can help you achieve massive success, and it's not for everyone. It's for people ready and serious about change.

Your results will depend on many factors...including your willingness to change, put in the work and take consistent action.

You are expected to show up on time, on camera and play full out the entire time.

If you're not willing to do that, then DO NOT ATTEND THIS INTENSIVE.

If you are willing to, click the button below to get started!

Meet The Trainer

Larisa Makuch is Canada's leading Abundance Mentor who helps professional women trade their stress and overwhelm for a rich and fulfilling life where they're living on purpose and really going after their dreams.

Prior to becoming an Abundance Mentor, Larisa spent more than two decades in the world of mind-body movement. She discovered that the client's belief system was the greatest factor in determining the speed and trajectory of their confidence and results.

As the author of the upcoming Stop Procrastinating Your Life Away: Discover the Secrets to More Time, Money and Freedom and CEO of Abundance Academy, it’s her mission to create a ripple effect and positively impact more than 1-Billion people across the globe so the world a better place for all.


What are the most frequently asked questions?

What are the hours?

Weekend events are Friday 7-9pm, Saturday 9am-6pm and Sunday 9am-4pm.

Weekday events are Day 1 9am-3pm, Day 2 9am-5pm, Day 3 9am-2pm.

All events are held in the Eastern Standard Time Zone.x

Can I attend just a part of the intensive or do I need to attend the entire thing?

This event is strategically designed to give you a breakthrough. In order for you and other participants to get the absolute best experience, arrange to attend the entire event.

I can't make it live, can I get a replay?

Due to the intimate nature of this event, replays will NOT be available.

Where is the intensive held?

The Abundance Activation Intensive is a LIVE Virtual event and held by zoom so participants all over the world can take part.

Do I need to have my camera on?


What will we be doing during the Abundance Activation Intensive? What should I expect?

The event is made up of some lecture and learning segments, journalling and reflection, guided meditation and visualization, Q & A sessions and sharing about your learnings and experiences.

Do you provide refunds?

No. We are here to support you and your success. If for some reason you are not able to attend the date selected, you are welcome to transfer your ticket to another person or a different date within 12-months of purchase.

What results can I expect?

The results you will experience will be up to you, and they vary based on each individual. It's recommended to set intentions and decide what you'd like to get from the intensive before you attend so you can get the absolute most out of the experience.

What happens after I complete the Abundance Activation Intensive?

After you attend the first time, you're encouraged to re-attend within the next 3-6 months again. If you'd like to continue with our elite level Abundance Academy Programs and Mastermind Opportunities, you'll be given an opportunity to do that.